You can spend thousands of dollars on fancy tools, herbs, color coded candles and hand made athames but it will not make you a better alchemist or spell caster. Your magic does not come from the tools that you use, it comes from inside you. These things are all used for additional energy or focus but they are not necessary. You can be just as effective with a 50 cent candle as you are with a $12 “hand poured beeswax, herb infused, organic dyed candle”. That being said, everyone WANTS to use tools to give their spells that extra potency and that is perfectly fine. Most of the time I use them, to some extent but I also sometimes just do an on the fly incantation in the middle of my day as well. I am not really one to spend a lot of money on things that are unnecessary and I always look for a good alternative to expensive nonsense. And there is a TON of expensive nonsense out there. The world has learned that the growing metaphysical and witchcraft niche is a money making machine and they have certainly cashed in on it. So, I’m going to give you some pointers on how to get your tools and spend as little as possible on them.
There are a variety of things that I use in magic. Herbs, Crystals, stones, candles…but I have collected these things over a period of time and I have gained a lot of different sources for these things as well. Glass dishes for burning candles on. Glass bowls for holding water for rituals. Jars for herbs. All of these things can be bought for next to nothing at many different places. I get almost all of my glass dishes and bowls at my local Dollar Tree. They almost always have a 3 pack of small glass bowls for $1. The plates are usually singles but still for a dollar….You can’t go wrong. I have about 4 that I use (because cleaning them is sometimes not high on my priority list so it’s good to have extras). I have some small taper candle holders as well that I picked up on ebay, I believe. I normally use pure beeswax candles because they conduct energy better and are more environmentally friendly but periodically I will use small tapers if I’m using colored candles.
Colored candles. I have seen so many people say that you need colored candles for spells. You have to use a color that correlates with the intention that you wish to set. Well, it’s nonsense. You certainly can use a candle that color coordinates but it is 100% not necessary. Like I said earlier, I rarely use anything other than beeswax. I have a ton of colored candles that I’ve collected over the years and periodically I will use them and I even make colored candles sometimes but it’s pretty rare. I stick to beeswax and soy because they are biodegradable and environmentally friendly where paraffin has toxins that is not really healthy. You can get large jarred candles at Dollar Tree, just pull off the picture of Jesus and you have a reusable ritual candle. Now, I do not recommend using the same candle for all rituals or spells but I have a few jar candles that I do reuse. For example, I have one for full moon rituals and a separate one for dark moon rituals. I will light these as well as my actual spell candles during a cast. You need to make sure that if you are reusing a candle that it’s for a spell with the same type of energy needs. For instance you do not want to use a candle for a love spell and then use the same one for a hex. It’s totally different energy so it should not be used. I honestly do not reuse any spell candles at all. I get very thin stick candles that are about 4 inches, maybe shorter for my spells because I always let them burn completely away. The picture for this blog is an example of the different candles that I use. The ones in the center of the alter are my actual spell candles and the rest, in the back are just for energy. You concentrate your focus and intentions on your spell candles and they are the ones that you leave burning until they are gone. The others, you can put out after you are done casting.
There are so many tools for spell casting that I literally can not discuss them all here but just be aware that you do not need them. If you are on a limited budget, please do not spend money on things that you cannot afford just because someone on the internet said you need it. That is the main thing about this new internet awareness of witchcraft that pisses me off. I have had confrontations with people over this. I do not like the idea of people cashing in on someone’s lack of knowledge or when people sell spells over the internet. I hate when people tell you, “you must have these things in order to perform real magic, so you can buy it form me!” Information should always be free. Magic has traditionally been passed down from generation to generation and not sold. There were village healers that sold their services but they were doing it in person. So if someone tells you they can cast a spell for you over the internet….please beware.
So with all that stated above, I will tell you that the best tools for magic are the ones that you get for for free, from nature. I grow my own herbs (not every single one I use of course but the majority of common herbs). I like to use white sage and sadly it is very hard to find now due to the recent “popularity of being a witch”. Apparently someone read that the Native Americans used it for cleansing and smudging and it blew up from there and the retail world cashed in and now it’s overharvested in the wild. I actually think it may be illegal to harvest it in the wild (don’t quote me on that but I thought I read that somewhere). But whatever the case may be, I grow my own and that way I know I always have it on hand and I am not endangering the plantlife in the natural habitat. You may also come across the people that claim burning white sage if you aren’t a Native American is cultural appropriation. Well, I honestly think that is nonsense. I was born in American so I feel like that makes me a Native American and as such, I am just as entitled to use the resources from my native country as anyone else. And since I was taught this practice by an American Indian, that just solidifies that for me but whatever. If you feel it’s wrong, don’t do it. There are a ton of other herbs that you can use. Garden sage is fabulous as well. Basically, grow the herbs you like to use. If you can’t grow them then you can always buy them from your local herb shop. Please do not mistake this with your local metaphysical shop, they are indeed different. Sorry to say but metaphysical shops are a niche and a fad and they will cost you a lot more. Most cities have an organic health food store or herb shop. If you do not, there are some online venders that are great as well. I will also collect feathers from birds that have dropped them in my yard. Pinecones, Sand. Rainwater. Graveyard dirt. These are all powerful tools that can be used in spells. All for free. So you can see that tools can be found or bought for pennies. There is no need to spend a fortune on these things even though that’s what the new online witch culture will tell you. Trust me, those of us that have been doing this throughout our entire lives do not spend the grocery money on magical tools! YOU ARE THE MAGIC.