I have always found that starting simple and expanding from there is the best way to go. You build a firm foundation of understanding and knowledge and then you can add to it infinitely.
What is Alchemy? The formal definition of alchemy is: the medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter. In our practical applications it is more like using chemistry to combine matter in order to transform energy. Basically we use organic materials as conduits to manipulate energy. All organic materials such as herbs or crystals or stones, have their own very unique properties, each one serves a certain purpose and can correlate to many different applications of spellwork. An example is lavender. Lavender has wonderful chemical properties that cause relaxation. It is therefore a good tool for spells to calm your anxiety or help deflect anger or negativity. Citrine is said to aid in the treatment of diseases related to the urinary tract, endocrine system and the digestive system. It also acts as a purifier and helps counteract the harmful effects of pharmaceutical medicines. With the physical properties being of a purifying and curative nature, the uses for citrine for purifying or curative spellwork make perfect metaphysical sense! I use citrine as an aid to any positive type spell such as attractions or uplifting the spirit in any way. I sometimes combine clear quartz and citrine in spells to clear out energetic clutter and bring in new, positive energy in order to unblock the path for new beginnings. It is also good for any type of abundance spells. There are unlimited possibilities when using organic materials in spellwork. you just have to experiment with the ones that you feel most attracted to and see what works for you.
Magic. What exactly does this term mean? Magic is basically science that we do not yet understand. It’s not really the wildly misunderstood practice that people make it out to be, nor is it the conjuring of demons and satanic influence seen in the movies. Although, I suppose there is that type of ritual work out there, that is not what we are doing here. Magic is simply the art of manipulating energy. We all probably visualize some girl snapping her fingers or wiggling her nose and things mysteriously happen or appear. As lovely as that would be, it’s not quite that simple. In order to manipulate energy, you must first understand what it is and how it works. We will get into that in depth in an upcoming post but for now just know that you can not create energy, only manipulate it’s path. So, you can not make something that doesn’t exist, like love. You can cast a ‘love spell’ on a particular person and although they may in fact be attracted to you and you may even end up together, if the love wasn’t there somewhere waiting to develop then it will never be there. They may be with you and they may even stay with you but that doesn’t mean that they love you. So keep these things in mind when doing spellwork. We all want what we want but we may not always get what we want.
So that is the basics of what we are doing here. Alchemy and magic work hand in hand as one aids the effect of the other. We will soon get into the how too’s but in the next post we will look at energy and what exactly it is and how we can use it to get the thing that we desire. Hope to see you all back next time!